Furnishings on a Budget

So you're ready to move into your new place!  But your budget is small and there isn't much left for furnishings.   In the beginning it's best to concentrate on the absolute bare bones necessities. 

Here's the basic list of the functions you need to address:

1) A place to sleep
2) A place to eat
3) A place to study
4) Entertainment Center
5) A place to hang out with friends
6) Good lighting

When I moved into my first apartment I slept on an air mattress for several months.  It was comfortable and cheap.  Other options include a sofa-bed or a futon, both of which are multi-functional.  It depends on how much space you have to work with. 

A good sturdy card table with 4 chairs is always a good investment.  It can serve as a dining table, computer desk, workspace for school projects and game table to name a few.  If your space is small the table and chairs can be folded up and stored away until needed. 

A comfortable chair is a must as you'll need a place to sit and read or watch TV or use your laptop.  I like the large over sized papasan chairs. There are many styles and colors of cushions to choose from and they're great to curl up in while you read a good book.

Back in the days before flat screen TV's it was always a challenge to find space for those big, awkward Entertainment centers to house the TV, Stereo, Videos and CD's.  Fast forward to the digital age.  A flat screen TV can be mounted on the wall and a minimal amount of table space will hold an IPod docking station.  I'm still a bit old school - I like my DVD and CD Collections and will address some easy storage solutions at a later date. 

So it's Saturday night and your friends are coming over.  You own one papasan chair.  A great solution when you're just starting out is to invest in a few over sized floor pillows.  While not overly comfortable, the card table chairs will also serve as extra seating.  There are also storage ottomans available that can serve as extra seating.  


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